Hi all! My original question asked for recommendations on digitizers- good brands, features, advice, etc... Thanks to all who replied including Mary Lavine, Brad Rawlings, Bob Plumber & Abel Perez. Two points were brought up by several different people. The first was that people sometimes buy digitizers that are large and expensive 'just in case' and end up spending a lot of money on something that they will not necessarily get full use out of. The recommendation was to think carefully about what we will be using the digitizer for and buy the appropriate size and type based on the proposed use. The second common comment came from people that had roll-up digitizers. They all recommended them because of the ease of storage and the ease of movement between workstations. On the question of what brand to buy, none were recommended above others and no-one had anything bad to say about any particular brand. A couple of people gave me alternatives to digitizing. 'GrabIt' software allows you to digitize on-screen rather than on a digitizing tablet (which would involve investing in a scanner instead of a digitizer) and there is software on the web site: http://move.to/heisei that allows you to download information into ArcView from a GPS. Denise O' Leary